Sunday, December 1, 2019

Battle at the Brick Factory,Peru Kansas Nov.22 2019 Sponsored by the WWII Reenacting Corps

Battle at the Brick Factory,Peru Kansas Nov.22 2019 Sponsored by the WWII Reenacting Corps. Allied troops along with German troops gathered at the old Peru Kansas Brick Factory for a day of battle reenactment. People started arriving Saturday Evening , getting checked in and setting up camp. This event is Sponsored by the WWII Reenacting Corps, They come to for a day of fun, and to renew old friendships. People travel a great distance to participate in these events. And As one can see they take it pretty seriously, The uniforms, and all of the gear is period correct. The Battle reenactment takes place at the old Brick factory located at Peru Kansas. The German soldiers have the task of defending the bombed out town while the allied troops try to take control. The weapons these guys use are real, the ammunition used are blanks. You can see more photographs of the old brick factory here https://photographkansas.blogspot .this is video one of several more so Please subscribe and Like my channel so you won't miss the next video's.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Peru XVI:Battle in the Brickyard WWII Reenacting Corps.

Peru XVI:Battle in the Brickyard 

WWII Reenacting Corps

Reliving History
one Battle at a time

The Brick Factory located on Highway 160
Peru Kansas 
is the Ideal Setting 
for a WWII Reenactment 

I arrived just as the solders 
were taking a lunch break
so I wondered around taking pictures
and talking to some of the guys

What impressed me most
 was the period correct uniforms
and Battle gear.

All of the players from the actual war 
were represented,
There were troops dressed as Germans
British, French, American, and other allied troops. 

German Motorcycle with side car

As in the real conflict all ages are 
represented from young to old 
they all had a part. 

thank for looking 
and be sure to like comment and share this with your friends

Monday, October 21, 2019

Travel Kansas, The Foster House and the North Caney Creek

Travel Kansas, The Foster House and the North Caney Creek

Chautauqua County Kansas, 

 the old Foster House located north of Sedan Kansas,

Chautauqua County Kansas, Nestled in front of the old Foster House located north Of Sedan Kansas, The North Caney creek was the power source for the mill located above the creek. Built back in the 1880 rd's there is not much information about the old mill. The House better known as the Foster House to many of the local people still stands, the creek has a small water fall that flows gently south , The water falls can been seen from the rd.22, there is a small dirt path down to the creek where one can get up close and personal with nature.  

Built sometime around 1880
The original house was a one story floor mill
The water wheel was powered by the North Caney Creek
which runs in front of the house. 

This house once served as the Grafton Post office
early 1900's

The house was purchased by The Foster' in the 1930's

Loyd Foster added the second story to the House.
using roof tiles from the Peru Brick Factory.